Wednesday, February 26, 2020

What is the general public's perception of US Army's educational Dissertation

What is the general public's perception of US Army's educational levels compared to civilians in corporate America - Dissertation Example Study what is required and revise.   -Comments part II  - CHANGED THE TITLE I like reading the words Action Research in the titles of theses studies, but I do think yours can be improved upon as it almost reads like two sentences or a fragmented sentence. I mention it as the title is so very important for setting the tempo with the reviewer and more importantly for future researchers to search on for further study. I would recommend something like:   An Action Research study to Bring about Change in the Public’s Perception of soldiers in the United States Army compared to Civilians Working in the Public Sectors.   Or I might even drop the latter part:   An Action Research study to Bring about Change in the Public’s Perception of soldiers in the United States Army. compared to Civilians Working in the Public Sectors.   As to the study itself I think Bruce made some good points to be considered. Overall I would look to minimize the content here and there and a lways have the focus to be on answering the instructions on the left side of teach text box. The reviewer will look at that as their focus in approving and if it too wordy and not to the point, it makes it harder for them to do.   -Comments part III   This is strange but I do not see her name, contact information, etc. on the SMR. That page is missing.   {PLEASE ADD THIS BEFORE SUBMITTING} This may not be appropriate here, but the References are not in APA style. CHANGED   The whole foucus seems to be on Army officers when the largest number of Army personnel are enlisted personnel. In dispelling one of the myths that Army personnel are not highly educated, the large percentage of officers with college degrees is cited. Are we talking about the whole...Due to these reasons, many individuals do not consider the army to be an active career option for them. (Muth, (2011). However, this is far from reality. This stereotype was formed among people, because of such a portrayal by war movies and mass media. (Buffalo Soldiers, 2001.) In recent times, the whole approach of the army has changed towards education and a high number of personnel are well educated individuals are a part of the army. Moreover, the environment within the army also provides a number of opportunities to the personnel to pursue further studies and improve their academic qualifications. same in the civilian world. A research is needed to understand how and why civilians have this perception about the Army personnel; then, it is necessary to educate them about how the perception is wrong. Bringing about this change of perception can make a big change not only to the way people look at the soldiers, but it can also motivate general public to be a part of the army. While it is understandable that it would be a very daunting task to educate a large number of people, it is possible to start out at a small level and see if that brings about a level of difference. (Muth, 2011).

Monday, February 10, 2020

Pornography criminalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pornography criminalization - Essay Example The CNN article is just one of many that are published each year about pornography within the United States. 1. Fully Criminalize Pornography. Outlawing pornography would mean removing pornographic material from computers, TVs, magazines, sexy videos and posters; Outlawing pornography is speculated to increase the incidents of sex crimes. The pornographic material and production would go underground and the production of the material might be done by "much nastier people than those who run it now" (Micklethwait, p1). Pornography has been deemed by many as dangerous to women because it promotes sexual violence against women (Corbin, 1-5). Outlawing pornography is argued to help women regain control over their bodies. Pornography that contains fantasies of rape may lead to the fantasy being acted out in the form of an actual rape. This may bring an unintended message that "sex is bad and only men should be interested in it" (Corbin, 3). The negative aspects of pornography are many. There has been "mounting evidence from teachers, social workers, probation officers, doctorsthat there is a link between scenes of violence depicted on TV, Video, and films, and human behavior."(Munday, 1) According to Munday many people feel that "freedom of expression has gone to0 far" (Munday, 1). The desire to have pornography banned has been met with opposition that asserts that banning it would a violation of the first amendment right to free speech. On the other hand it has been argued that pornography violates a woman's civil rights (MacKinnon, 1). MacKinnon further argues that "pornography is a political practice of power and powerlessness" (MacKinnon, 2). Conservatives continue to argue that pornography degrades women and uses them only as sexual objects that need to be controlled (Pornography and Ethics, 3). Some would argue that the viewing of pornography does little or no harm but one only need recall recent news that reported a young American boy who hung himself after viewing the execution of Saddam Hussein over and over on national TV. "We're theorising he tried to experiment or mimic the behaviour and it got out of control" (CNN, January 5, 2007 - 7:49AM) People are affected by what they see in what ever format it appears. Their behavior is a result of their environment and what they are exposed to. When is comes to pornography, where is the line drawn that protects our freedoms and does no harm. 2. Fully Legalize Pornography. Some liberals argue that pornography is mostly low value content designed to produce sexual arousal and contains speech of little value intellectually and does not need protecting (Pornography and Censorship, 5). Proponents of legalized pornography argue that to further censure pornography would have chilling repercussions in the publication or showing of other materials such as valued literary, artistic, and political works. They question how to define pornography and argue that any definition would also exclude other materials as stated above. Criminalizing pornography would act to suppress future works because the artists, writers, etc who "would fear that their works would be construed as pornography and thus not publish out of fear they would be prosecuted" (Pornography and Censorship, 8-9). The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) president